IQAI International QA Institute - Official Website - 特定非営利活動(NPO)法人「国際品質保証協会」-伝統と実績を誇る日本最初のQAプロ集団!-

International Activities for Audit Division of ASQ

Activities of the Audit Division in Japan

IQAI has been acting as the international representative of the Audit Division of ASQ since 1995. At the time of its annual meeting (in June or July every year) and extraordinary meeting (called as necessary), IQAI is holding the Japan Section Meeting of the Audit Division. The agenda covers also the activities and events of ASQ and a number of its Divisions, as well as the results and schedule of ASQ certification exams at Tokyo.

For promotion of the activities of the Audit Division and ASQ outside Japan, IQAI members are communicating with the international members of ASQ by means of email.

Standard Committee of the Audit Division

Akio Miura (Chair of IQAI) and Mitsuko Nishihara (Deputy Chair of IQAI) are volunteering for the Standard Committee of the Audit Division as the International Regional Councilors of that Division. They have submitted comments on the revision of ISO 9001 Standard at its stages of CD (Committee Draft) and DIS (Draft International Standard) of ISO 9001: 2000 to ISO through the Standard Committee of the Audit Division. About 70% of IQAI’s proposal for correction was adopted by ISO.

In the period from 1996 through 2000, when IQAI was the Associate Member of International Auditor Training and Certification Association (I ATCA), IQAI submitted numbers of proposals and suggestions for the qualification and its criteria for improvement of international auditor qualification program at the International Meetings and by emails, and many of them were adopted by the Executive Committee consisting of RAB, IQA, IRCA and QSA.